
Wetenschappelijke publicaties


Zomer L, van der Meer L, van Weeghel J, Widdershoven G, de Jong I, Voskes Y. (2024). Recovery-oriented care in Teams Working with the ART Model in long-term Mental Health care: A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Service Users and Their Significant Others. Community Ment Health J.

Hao J, Tiles-Sar N, Habtewold TD, Liemburg EJ; Genetic Risk Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) Investigators; Bruggeman R, van der Meer L, Alizadeh BZ. (2024). Shaping tomorrow’s support: baseline clinical characteristics predict later social functioning and quality of life in schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol.

Conneely M, Roe D, Hasson-Ohayon I, Pijnenborg GHM, van der Meer L, Speyer H. (2024). Antipsychotics and Identity: The Adverse Effect No One is Talking About. Community Ment Health J.

Poppe A, Tiles-Sar N, Konings SRA, Habtewold TD; GROUP Investigators; Bruggeman R, Alizadeh BZ, van der Meer L. (2024). Moving from supported to independent living: what are the barriers and facilitators for individuals with psychosis? Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol.

Poppe A, Ritter FDE, Bais L, Pustejovsky JE, van Tol MJ, Ćurčić-Blake B, Pijnenborg GHM, van der Meer L. (2024). The efficacy of combining cognitive training and noninvasive brain stimulation: A transdiagnostic systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychol Bull.

Sanders, L. M. J., Hortobágyi, T., Scholten, E., van der Zee, E., & van Heuvelen, M. (2024). Effects and cost-effectiveness of exercise vs. control activities on  health-related quality of life in older persons with dementia: a randomized controlled trial. PsyArXiv.

Hortobágyi T, Vetrovsky T, Uematsu A, Sanders L, da Silva Costa AA, Batistela RA, Moraes R, Granacher U, Szabó-Kóra S, Csutorás B, Széphelyi K, Tollár J. (2024). Walking on a Balance Beam as a New Measure of Dynamic Balance to Predict Falls in Older Adults and Patients with Neurological Conditions. Sports Med Open.


Berger I, Bruineberg A, van Ewijk M, de Jong L, van der Hout M, van Weeghel J, van der Meer L. (2023). Developing a recovery-oriented intervention for people with severe mental illness and an intellectual disability: design-oriented action research. Front Psychiatry.

Lyngstad SH, Lyne JP, Ihler HM, van der Meer L, Færden A, Melle I. (2023). Turning the Spotlight on Apathy: Identification and Treatment in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders. Schizophr Bull.

Tiles-Sar N, Habtewold TD, Liemburg EJ, van der Meer L, Bruggeman R, Alizadeh BZ; GROUP investigators. (2023). Understanding Lifelong Factors and Prediction Models of Social Functioning After Psychosis Onset Using the Large-Scale GROUP Cohort Study. Schizophr Bull.

Verhage, V & Jansen, D & Wunderink, C & Alma, M. & Reijneveld, S.A. & Grietens, H. (2023). How the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Prepares One for Working in a Residential Youth Care Setting: A Thematic Analysis of Youth workers’ Experiences in the Netherlands. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth. 40. 1-20. 10.1080/0886571X.2023.2243211.


van Dam M, van Weeghel J, Castelein S, Stiekema A, Quee P, Kidd S, Allott K, Maples N, Velligan D, Pijnenborg M, van der Meer L (2022). Development and validation of a fidelity instrument for Cognitive Adaptation Training. Schizophr Res Cogn.

van Dam M, van Weeghel J, Stiekema A, Castelein S, Pijnenborg M, van der Meer L (2022). Barriers and facilitators to implementation of cognitive adaptation training in long-term inpatient facilities for people diagnosed with severe mental illness: A nursing perspective. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs.

Zomer LJC, van der Meer L, van Weeghel J, van Melle AL, de Vet HCW, Kemper M, Antoine Marie Widdershoven G, Voskes Y (2022). The Active Recovery Triad monitor: evaluation of a model fidelity scale for recovery-oriented care in long-term mental health care settings. BMC Psychiatry.


Van der Meer L, Kaiser S, Castelein S (2021). Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: reconsidering evidence and focus in clinical trials. British J. Psych.

Poppe, ABais L, van Duin D, Curcic-Blake B, Pijnenborg GHM, van der Meer L (2021). Improving Cognition in Severe Mental Illness by Combining Cognitive Remediation and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Study Protocol for a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial (HEADDSET). Trials

Larabi D, Marsman JBC, Aleman A, Tijms BM, Opmeer EM, Pijnenborg GHM, Van der Meer L, van Tol MJ, Ćurčic-Blake B. (2021). Insight does not come at random: individual gray matter networks relate to clinical and cognitive insight in schizophrenia. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry

Van der Meer L, Jonker T,  Wadman H, Wunderink C, Van Weeghel J, Pijnenborg GHM, Van Setten ERH (2021). Targeting Personal Recovery of People with Complex Mental Health Needs: The Development of a Psychosocial Intervention Through User- Centered Design. Frontiers in Psychiatry

Verhage, V., Reijneveld, Wunderink, C., Grietens, H., S.A., Almansa, J, Jansen, D.E.M.C., (2021). Care improves self-reported daily functioning of adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.


Zomer L, Voskes Y, van Weeghel J, Widdershoven GAM, van Mierlo T, Berkvens B, Stavenuiter B, van der Meer L (2020). The Active Recovery Triad (ART) Model: a New Approach in Dutch Long-term Mental Health Care. Frontiers in Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Van Dam M, van Weeghel J, Castelein S, Pijnenborg M, van der Meer L (2020). Evaluation of an adaptive implementation program for Cognitive Adaptation Training: protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial in people with severe mental illness. JMIR Research Protocols

Pijnenborg GHM, Larabi DI, Xu P, Hasson-Ahayon I, de Vos AE, Ćurčić-Blake B, Aleman A, van der Meer L (2020). Brain areas associated with clinical and cognitive insight in psychotic disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.

Stiekema APM, van Dam MT, Bruggeman R, Redmeijer JE, Swart M, Dethmers M, Rietberg CM, Wekking EM, Velligan DI, Timmerman ME, Aleman A, Castelein S, van Weeghel J, Pijnenborg GHM, van der Meer L (2020). Facilitating Recovery of Daily Functioning in People With a Severe Mental Illness Who Need Longer-Term Intensive Psychiatric Services: Results From a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial on Cognitive Adaptation Training Delivered by Nurses. Schizophr Bull.

Zhang L, Ai H, Opmeer EM, Marsman JBC, van der Meer L, Ruhé HG, Aleman A, van Tol MJ (2020). Distinct temporal brain dynamics in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia during emotion regulation. Psychol Med. 50(3):413-421.

Otto LKM, Hofstra J, Mullen MG, Malenczak D, Boonstra N, van der Meer L, Veling W, Boerhout C, van Rijsbergen GD, de Vries J, van der Pol B, Pijnenborg GHM, Korevaar L. (2020). A cognitive remediation training for young adults with psychotic disorders to support their participation in education – study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud. 6:54. 

Verhage, V., Jansen, D.E.M.C., Almansa, J., Wunderink, C., Grietens, H., Reijneveld, S.A. (2020). Trajectories of care for children and adolescents with psychosocial problems: a three-year prospective cohort study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

Contreras JA, Aslanyan V, Sweeney MD, Sanders LMJ, Sagare AP, Zlokovic BV, Toga AW, Han SD, Morris JC, Fagan A, Massoumzadeh P, Benzinger TL, Pa J. (2020). Functional connectivity among brain regions affected in Alzheimer’s disease is associated with CSF TNF-α in APOE4 carriers. Neurobiol Aging.

Sanders LMJ, Hortobágyi T, Karssemeijer EGA, Van der Zee EA, Scherder EJA, van Heuvelen MJG. (2020). Effects of low- and high-intensity physical exercise on physical and cognitive function in older persons with dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Alzheimers Res Ther.

Daukantaitė D, Lantto R, Liljedahl SI, Helleman M, Westling S.  (2020). One-Year Consistency in Lifetime Frequency Estimates and Functions of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in a Clinical Sample. Front Psychiatry.


Van der Meer, L. & Wunderink, C. (2019). Contemporary Approaches to Mental Health Rehabilitation.Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences

Karssemeijer EGA, Bossers WJR, Aaronson JA, Sanders LMJ, Kessels RPC, Olde Rikkert MGM. (2019). Exergaming as a Physical Exercise Strategy Reduces Frailty in People With Dementia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Med Dir Assoc.

Tollár J, Nagy F, Moizs M, Tóth BE, Sanders LMJ, Hortobágyi T. (2019). Diverse Exercises Similarly Reduce Older Adults’ Mobility Limitations. Med Sci Sports Exerc.

Sanders LMJ, Hortobágyi T, la Bastide-van Gemert S, van der Zee EA, van Heuvelen MJG. (2019). Dose-response relationship between exercise and cognitive function in older adults with and without cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One.

Hortobágyi T, Uematsu A, Sanders L, Kliegl R, Tollár J, Moraes R, Granacher U. (2019). Beam Walking to Assess Dynamic Balance in Health and Disease: A Protocol for the “BEAM” Multicenter Observational Study. Gerontology.

Dascal JB, Sanders LMJ, Filho EGDC, Hortobágyi T. (2019). Dose-response effects of years of self-reported physical activity on old females’ motor and cognitive function. Braz J Phys Ther.

Pijnenborg GHM, de Vos AE, Timmerman ME, van der Gaag M, Sportel E, Arends J, Koopmans I, van der Meer L, Aleman A (2019). Social cognitive group treatment for impaired insight in psychosis: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Schizophr Res. 206:362-369

Westling S, Daukantaite D, Liljedahl SI, Oh Y, Westrin Å, Flyckt L, Helleman M. (2019). Effect of Brief Admission to Hospital by Self-referral for Individuals Who Self-harm and Are at Risk of Suicide: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open.

Lindkvist RM, Landgren K, Liljedahl SI, Daukantaitė D, Helleman M, Westling S. (2019). Predictable, Collaborative and Safe: Healthcare Provider Experiences of Introducing Brief Admissions by Self-referral for Self-harming and Suicidal Persons with a History of Extensive Psychiatric Inpatient Care. Issues Ment Health Nurs

Eckerström J, Allenius E, Helleman M, Flyckt L, Perseius KI, Omerov P. (2019). Brief admission (BA) for patients with emotional instability and self-harm: nurses’ perspectives – person-centred care in clinical practice. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being


Van der Meer L & Wunderink C (2018). Contemporary approaches in mental health rehabilitation. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 25:1-6. [invited editorial] 

Larabi DI, van der Meer L, Pijnenborg GHM, Ćurčić-Blake B, Aleman A (2018). Insight and emotion regulation in schizophrenia: a brain activation and functional connectivity study. Neuroimage Clin. 20:762-771. 

Zhang L, Opmeer EM, van der Meer L, Aleman A, Ćurčić-Blake B, Ruhé HG (2018). Altered frontal-amygdala effective connectivity during effortful emotion regulation in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord. 20(4):349-358 

Stiekema APM, Islam MA, Liemburg EJ, Castelein S, van den Heuvel ER, van Weeghel J, Aleman A, Bruggeman R, van der Meer L; GROUP-investigators (2018). Long-term course of negative symptom subdomains and relationship with outcome in patients with a psychotic disorder. Schizophr Res. 193:173-181. 

Stiekema APM, Looijmans A, van der Meer L, Bruggeman R, Schoevers RA, Corpeleijn E, Jörg F (2018). Effects of a lifestyle intervention on psychosocial well-being of severe mentally ill residential patients: ELIPS, a cluster randomized controlled pragmatic trial. Schizophr Res. 199:407-413. 

Helleman M, Goossens PJJ, van Achterberg T, Kaasenbrood A. (2018). Components of Brief Admission as a Crisis Intervention for Patients With a Borderline Personality Disorder: Results of a Delphi Study. J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc.

Sanders LMJ, Hortobágyi T, Balasingham M, Van der Zee EA, van Heuvelen MJG. (2018). Psychometric Properties of a Flanker Task in a Sample of Patients with Dementia: A Pilot Study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra.

Helleman M, Lundh LG, Liljedahl SI, Daukantaité D, Westling S. (2018). Individuals’ experiences with brief admission during the implementation of the brief admission skåne RCT, a qualitative study. Nord J Psychiatry.


Looijmans A, Stiekema APM, Bruggeman R, van der Meer L, Stolk RP, Schoevers RA, Jörg F, Corpeleijn E (2017). Changing the obesogenic environment to improve cardiometabolic health in residential patients with a severe mental illness: ELIPS, a cluster randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry. 211(5):296-303

Liljedahl SI, Helleman M, Daukantaité D, Westrin Å, Westling S. (2017). A standardized crisis management model for self-harming and suicidal individuals with three or more diagnostic criteria of borderline personality disorder: The Brief Admission Skåne randomized controlled trial protocol (BASRCT). BMC Psychiatry.

Sanders LMJ, Hortobágyi T, van Staveren G, Taxis K, Boersma F, Klein HC, Bossers WJR, Blankevoort CG, Scherder EJA, Van der Zee EA, van Heuvelen MJG. (2017). Relationship between drug burden and physical and cognitive functions in a sample of nursing home patients with dementia. Eur J Clin Pharmacol.


Stiekema AP, Liemburg EJ, van der Meer L, Castelein S, Stewart R, van Weeghel J, Aleman A, Bruggeman R (2016).Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Differential Relationships of the two subdomains of negative symptoms in chronically ill psychotic patients. PLoS One. 19;11(2): e0149785. 

Helleman M, Goossens PJ, Kaasenbrood A, van Achterberg T. (2016). Brief Admissions During Prolonged Treatment in a Case Involving Borderline Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Use and Functions. J Am Psychiatr Nurses Assoc.


Stiekema APM, Quee PJ, Dethmers AM, van den Heuvel ER, Redmeyer JE, Rietberg CM, Stant A, Swart M, van Weeghel J, Aleman A, Velligan DI, Schoevers RA, Bruggeman R, van der Meer L (2015). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cognitive adaptation training as a nursing intervention in long-term residential patients with severe mental illness: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 16(1):49. 

Zhang LW, Opmeer E, Ruhé HG, Aleman A, Van der Meer L (2015). Brain activation during self- and other- reflection in bipolar disorder with a history of psychosis: comparison to schizophrenia. NeuroImage: Clinical. 8: pp 202-9. 

De Vos AE, Pijnenborg GHM, Aleman A, van der Meer L, (2015). Implicit and explicit self-related processing in relation to insight in patients with schizophrenia. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 20(4): 311-29 

Ćurčić-Blake B, Van der Meer L, Pijnenborg GHM, David AS, Aleman A (2015). Insight and psychosis: functional and anatomical brain connectivity and self-reflection in schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping. 36(12):4859-68 

Van der Velde J, Swart M, Van Rijn S, Van der Meer L, Wunderink L, Wiersma D, Krabbendam L, Bruggeman R, Aleman A (2015). Cognitive Alexithymia Is Associated with the Degree of Risk for Psychosis. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0124803. 

Curčić-Blake B, Nanetti L, van der Meer L, Cerliani L, Renken R, Pijnenborg GH, Aleman A (2015). Not on speaking terms: hallucinations and structural network disconnectivity in schizophrenia. Brain Struct Funct. 220(1):407-18 


Van der Meer L, Swart M, van der Velde J, Wiersma D, Bruggeman R, Aleman A (2014). Neural correlates of emotion regulation in patients with schizophrenia and non-affected siblings. PLoS One. 18;9(6):e99667 

Van der Meer L, Groenewold NA, Nolen WA, Pijnenborg M, Aleman A (2013). Psychosis-proneness and neural correlates of self-inhibition in theory of mind. PLoS One 8(7):e67774. 

Van der Meer L, de Vos AE, Stiekema APM, Pijnenborg GH, van Tol MJ, Nolen WA, David AS, Aleman A (2013). Insight in Schizophrenia: Involvement of Self-Reflection Networks? Schizophr. Bull. 39(6):1288-95. 

Quee PJ, van der Meer L, Krabbendam L, de Haan L, Cahn W, Wiersma D, van Beveren N, Pijnenborg GH, Mulder CL, Bruggeman R, Aleman A (2014). Insight change in psychosis: relationship with neurocognition, social cognition, clinical symptoms and phase of illness. Acta Psychiatr Scand 129(2):126-33.

Quee PJ, Stiekema AP, Wigman JT, Schneider H, van der Meer L, Maples NJ, van den Heuvel ER, Velligan DI, Bruggeman R (2014). Improving functional outcomes for schizophrenia patients in the Netherlands using Cognitive Adaptation Training as a nursing intervention – A pilot study. Schizophr Res. 158(1-3):120-5. 

De Heer-Wunderink, C. (2014). Congress of the World Association of Social Psychiatry Londen Abstract book: Symposium: Innovative Approaches to Rehabilitation and Recovery of people with severe mental illness, presentation: the Academy of Living Skills.

Helleman M, Goossens PJ, Kaasenbrood A, van Achterberg T. (2014). Evidence base and components of Brief Admission as an intervention for patients with borderline personality disorder: a review of the literature. Perspect Psychiatr Care.

Helleman M, Goossens PJ, Kaasenbrood A, van Achterberg T. (2014). Experiences of patients with borderline personality disorder with the brief admission intervention: a phenomenological study. Int J Ment Health Nurs.


Van Tol MJ, van der Meer L, Bruggeman R, Modinos G, Knegtering H, Aleman A (2013). Voxel- based gray and white matter morphometry correlates of hallucinations in schizophrenia: The superior temporal gyrus does not stand alone. Neuroimage Clin. 29; 4: 249-57.


De Heer-Wunderink, C (2012). Successful community living: a ‘UTOPIA’? A survey of people with severe mental illness in Dutch Regional Institutes for Residential Care. Academisch proefschrift, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

de Heer-Wunderink C, Visser E, Caro-Nienhuis A, Sytema S, Wiersma D. Supported housing and supported independent living in the Netherlands, with a comparison with England. (2012). Community Ment Health J.

De Heer-Wunderink C, Visser E, Sytema S, Wiersma D. (2012). Social inclusion of people with severe mental illness living in community housing programs. Psychiatr Serv.

de Heer-Wunderink C, Visser E, Caro-Nienhuis AD, van Weeghel J, Sytema S, Wiersma D. (2012). Treatment plans in psychiatric community housing programs: do they reflect rehabilitation principles? Psychiatr Rehabil J.

Liemburg EJ, van der Meer L, Knegtering H, Swart M, Vercammen A, Curcic-Blake B, Aleman A (2012). Reduced connectivity in the self-reflection network of schizophrenia patients with poor insight PLoS One 7(8): e42707. 


Van der Meer L, Groenewold NA, Nolen WA, Pijnenborg M, Aleman A (2011). Inhibit yourself and understand the other: neural basis of distinct processes underlying Theory of Mind. Neuroimage 56(4): 2364-74 

Van der Meer L, van der Werf-Eldering MJ, Burger H, Holthausen EAE, Aleman A, Nolen WA. (2011). Insight in bipolar disorder: effects of cognitive functioning, social learning and clinical determinants. Bipolar Disorders 13(4): 343-54.

Pijnenborg, M, Van der Gaag, MM, Bockting, CLH, van der Meer, L, Aleman, A (2011). REFLEX: a social-cognitive group treatment to improve insight in schizophrenia study protocol of a multi-center RCT. BMC Psychiatry, 11: 161. 


Van der Meer L, Costafreda S, Aleman A, David AS (2010). Self-reflection and the brain: A theoretical review and meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies with implications for schizophrenia. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 34 (6): 934-46

Quee PJ, van der Meer L, Bruggeman R, de Haan L, Krabbendam L, Cahn W, Mulder NCL, Wiersma D, Aleman A (2010). Insight in psychosis: relationship with neurocognition, social cognition and clinical symptoms depends on phase of illness. Schizophrenia Bulletin 37(1): 29-37 


Van der Meer L, van’t Wout M, Aleman A (2009). Emotion regulation strategies in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research 170(2-3):108-13


de Heer-Wunderink C, Caro-Nienhuis AD, Sytema S, Wiersma D. Residential care: Dutch and Italian residents of residential care facilities compared. (2008). Epidemiol Psichiatr Soc.

Nederlandstalige publicaties

Wunderink, C, Zijlstra, A, Docter, L & Tmmer, C. (2024). Woonstart (1). Drie jaar programmatisch werken aan herstel. Participatie en herstel1.

Docter, L, Timmer, C., Wunderink, C, Zijlstra, A, & Kingma, M. (2024). Woonstart (2). Ervaringen met implementatie. Participatie en herstel1.

Havinga, P., Wunderink, C., & Bogman, F. (2023). Reflecties op de inzet van ervaringsdeskundige onderzoekers: SPRINT-project. Participatie en herstel, (4), 40-42.

Havinga, P., Wunderink, C., & Bogman, F. (2023). SPRINT: Resultaten van een kwalitatief onderzoek naar sociale contacten in het beschermd/begeleid wonen. Participatie en herstel4, 16-27.

Wunderink, C & Van der Meer, EM (2021). Herstelgericht ondersteunen van het dagelijks functioneren. In: Kaasenbrood, A & Wunderink, L. (red.) Ernstige psychiatrische aandoeningen. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, Houten.

Zomer L, van der Meer L, van Weeghel J, Widdershoven G, Voskes Y. (2020). Active Recovery Triad (ART): de ontwikkeling en implementatie van het zorgmodel in de langdurige ggz. Tijdschrift voor Participatie & Herstel

Wunderink, C. (2020). Woonondersteuning vanuit het Netwerk. In: Mulder, N, Van Weeghel J, Delespaul, P, Bovenberg, F, Berkvens, B, Leeman E, Kroon, H, Van Mierlo, T & Kienhorst, G (red.). Netwerkpsychiatrie, Samenwerken aan herstel en gezondheid. Boom, De Tijdstroom

Jonker T, Bais L, Wadman H, Huiting M, de Jong J, Luppes A, van Setten Evan der Meer L (2019). Project ‘Dit Ben Ik’. Een bijzonder proces om mensen te ondersteunen in persoonlijk herstel. Tijdschrift voor Participatie en Herstel (4)

Havinga, P., Bogman, F. & Wunderink, C. (2019). Inzet van ervaringsdeskundige onderzoekers: het SPRINT-project naar sociale contacten in het beschermd/begeleid wonen. Tijdschrijft voor Participatie en Herstel 28 (4), p 49-55.

Van der Meer L (2018). Inzichten van een reizende wetenschapper: een congres verslag. Tijdschrift voor Participatie en Herstel (4)

Van Zuthem, JW, Kroon, F, Wunderink, C, Van Weeghel, J en Van Rooijen, S (red.) (2017). Ondersteuning van psychisch kwetsbare mensen in ambulante begeleiding en beschermd wonen. Jaarboekenreeks Participatie en herstel-Jaarboek 2017-2018. Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam

Kroon, F. en Wunderink, C. (2017). Ambulante begeleiding en beschermd wonen anno 2017. In: Ondersteuning van psychisch kwetsbare mensen. In: Ondersteuning van psychisch kwetsbare mensen in ambulante begeleiding en beschermd wonen. Jaarboekenreeks Participatie en herstel-Jaarboek 2017-2018. Van Zuthem, JW, Kroon, F, Wunderink, C, Van Weeghel, J en Van Rooijen, S (red.) Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam.

Wunderink, C. (2017). Maatschappelijk herstel: actieve en passieve sociale inclusie. In: Ondersteuning van psychisch kwetsbare mensen in ambulante begeleiding en beschermd wonen. Jaarboekenreeks Participatie en herstel-Jaarboek 2017-2018. Van Zuthem, JW, Kroon, F, Wunderink, C, Van Weeghel, J en Van Rooijen, S (red.) Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam.

Wunderink, C. en Van der Meer, L. (2017). TOPPER Toolkit. In: Ondersteuning van psychisch kwetsbare mensen in ambulante begeleiding en beschermd wonen. Jaarboekenreeks Participatie en herstel-Jaarboek 2017-2018. Van Zuthem, JW, Kroon, F, Wunderink, C, Van Weeghel, J en Van Rooijen, S (red.) Uitgeverij SWP, Amsterdam.

Van der Meer L, Redmeijer J, Stiekema APM (2016). Cognitieve Adaptatie Training. Tijdschrift voor Participatie en Herstel (58)

Van der Ende, P. C., van Busschbach, J. T., & Wunderink, C. (2016). Actief ouderschap, herstel en maatschappelijke participatie. Participatie en herstel2016(4), 3-12.

Wunderink, C., Vos, S. & Van der Zee, I. (2016). Blijvend in beweging: Rapportage van het MOVE-project 2016. Lectoraat Maatschappelijke participatie van mensen met psychische beperkingen. Hanzehogeschool Groningen.

De Heer-Wunderink, C., Vos, S. & Van der Zee, I. (2015). Op weg: derde rapportage van het MOVE-project, juni 2015. Lectoraat Maatschappelijke participatie van mensen met psychische beperkingen. Hanzehogeschool Groningen.

De Heer-Wunderink, C. (2015). Lectorale Rede Maatschappelijke participatie, een kwestie van perspectief (bewerking). Tijdschrift Participatie en herstel van mensen met psychische beperkingen (2): 42-45.

De Heer-Wunderink, C. (2015). Signalement van: Een karig en sober leven maar niet ontevreden. Vermaatschappelijking van de chronische patiënt in de stad. Tijdschrift Participatie en herstel van mensen met psychische beperkingen (1): 55-58.

Vos, S., De Vries-Van Dongen, J., Van der Zee, I. & De Heer-Wunderink, C. (2015). Beschermd wonen in beweging. Ervaringen van RIBW-begeleiders en –managers met ambulantisering. Lectoraat Maatschappelijke participatie van mensen met psychische beperkingen. Hanzehogeschool Groningen.

Vos, S., De Vries-Van Dongen, J., Van der Zee, I. & De Heer-Wunderink, C. (2015). Beschermd wonen in beweging. Tijdschrift Participatie en herstel van mensen met psychische beperkingen (2): 42-45.

Wester, A, De Heer-Wunderink, C & Boonstra, N (2014). Ambulantiseren in de BW: een kans voor herstel. Tijdschrift Participatie en herstel van mensen met psychische beperkingen.


Wunderink C & van der Meer L (with editors). Herstelgericht ondersteunen van dagelijks functioneren van mensen met EPA. In Kaasenbrood A & Wunderink L. Handboek Ernstige Psychiatrische Aandoeningen. Behandeling en herstel van mensen met EPA, van verhoogd risico tot voorkòmen van erger.

Van der Meer L, Zomer L & Berkvens B (2020). Netwerkpsychiatrie bij stagnerende herstelprocessen: ART Actief herstellen in de triade. In Mulder N, Delespaul P, Bovenberg F, van Mierlo T, Kroon H, van Weeghel J. Netwerkpsychiatrie. Samenwerken aan herstel en gezondheid.  Utrecht: De Tijdstroom

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