Posters Cognitieve remediatie Improving outcome through improving cognition in Severe Mental Illness Combining interventions to foster recovery in Severe Mental Illness Client Perspective: Acceptability of Combining Cognitive Remediation and transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for People with Severe Mental Illness Efficacy-of-cognitive-training-non-invasive-brain-stumulation Cognitieve Adaptatie Training Effect van CAT CAT-I: effectief, en dan? Multiple Perspectives on Recovery-Oriented Mental Health Care for People with Severe Mental Illnesses in the Netherlands (2019) Dit Ben Ik Care-about-identity-identity-based-care-practices-for-people-with-a-severe-mental-illness (2023) DITSMI Improving long-term clinical care: implementation of a method for renewed diagnosis and treatment (2024) Negatieve symptomen Reconsidering evidence, focus & the effectivity of treatments for negative symptoms (2021) Dutch validation of the Self-evaluation of Negative Symproms (SNS) (2023)